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Taoyuan Tourism


<Summer Limited> One-day Summer Getaway in Xiaowulai(【夏日限定】小烏來玩水趣 一日遊)

Posted Date:2017-10-17

Popularity: 2368

<Summer Limited> One-day Summer Getaway in Xiaowulai(【夏日限定】小烏來玩水趣 一日遊)
Post Department of Tourism, Taoyuan- Director
Day 1 Day
Season Summer
Transport City Bus、Drive
Category Ecological Tour、Taiwan Trip

What is the best thing to do in summer? Enjoy water activities here in Xiaowulai!

Every June to September, a safe water play area between the first and second bridge of Yunei Creek is open to the public. Visitors of all ages can paddle in the creek, get close to the nature and enjoy the refreshing water that keeps the summer heat away!

After refreshing water activities that cool you down, be sure to visit Jiaobanshan Commercial District for lunch and enjoy the scenic beauty of the Xikou Terrace. Finally, have a cup of nice tea at Daxi Tea Factory to end your perfect trip.

Suggested Itinerary:

Xiaowulai Scenic Resort→ Xiaowulai Skywalk→ Sky Rope Bridge→ Jiaobanshan Commercial District→ Daxi Tea Factory

